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Veterans & Military

Supporting Veterans and their Families

Motlow's Veterans Affairs office helps assist veterans and eligible disabled veteran's dependents in requesting educational assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Veterans Affairs Program Manager

P.O. Box 8500 Dept. 520 Lynchburg, TN 37352

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Please note that Motlow State Community College does not engage in high-pressure recruiting tactics or compensate individuals for securing military enrollments per 34 CFR Part 668.

Verifying Attendance

  • Post 9/11 GI Bill® students must verify their attendance with VA monthly, or Monthly Housing Allowance payments can be delayed
    • Call 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) and opt into text message verification. VA will text you each month, and a response is all that is needed
    • Opting out of text messaging will automatically enroll the student for email verifications
    • You can also call 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) to verify attendance. Wait times may vary
  • Montgomery GI Bill® students, MGIB Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) students, Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607) students and Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (REAP, Chapter 1607) students must verify their attendance using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (W.A.V.E.) website
  • W.A.V.E Website


Motlow State will grant credit for military service and training for current or former servicemembers based on recommendations from the American Council on Education and the Community College of the Air Force. Credit may be granted as a general elective, or toward specific courses as approved by the PLA Coordinator and the Division Deans. The portion of a student’s transfer credit that can be applied toward a student’s specific degree program will shorten the program. To receive credit for these courses, the student must present Member Copy 4 of their DD214 and their Joint Service Transcript.

  • Prior Learning Assessment is a way for you to earn college credit for things you already know or classes you have already completed
  • Knowledge and skills acquired from military service may be converted into college credit

For questions regarding prior credit evaluation, contact Clarice Griffin at or 931-393-1529.


Apply with our free, online application

  • Complete Admissions requirements shown in your MyMotlow account
  • Complete Motlow Veterans Affairs Forms under the Student tab in MyMotlow

Transfer Coursework

  • Request your military transcripts:
  • Request your official high school transcripts
  • If you have attended another college or university, you will need to request official transcripts from each institution attended

Apply for Veteran Educational Benefits

  • These benefits include Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 33, Chapter 35, and 1606
  • Start by completing your application with VA
  • Contact if you need help determining which VA form to complete
  • We encourage you to apply for financial aid and Motlow State Scholarships, but it is optional

Submit your Certificate of Eligibility

  • You must provide a copy of your COE for each benefit you wish to use. A COE should be submitted your first semester at Motlow State and upon request from the VA Certifying Official thereafter

Using Tuition Assistance (TA)?

  • All military personnel planning to use this option are reminded to contact their command Educational Service Officer (ESO) or their command Military Counselor to receive approval for funding PRIOR to enrolling in any classes at Motlow State
  • Failure to receive approval prior to enrollment may result in the TA student having to pay for the entire amount of tuition and fees themselves

Complete the FAFSA

  • You are encouraged to complete the FAFSA to see if you qualify for additional financial aid. Completion of your FAFSA and awarding of aid can help with costs if your benefits do not fully cover your expenses or the VA experiences delays in processing payments
  • Motlow State’s school code is 006836
  • Visit the Financial Aid & VA Educational Benefits Link for more information

Take Placement Tests

  • Reading, writing and math placement tests can be taken to determine appropriate course placement and satisfy course prerequisites
  • Students may choose to opt-out of placement testing and take learning support courses
  • Learning support courses must be taken on campus. VA does not pay for onlinelearning support courses
  • Students who graduated from high school within five years may be placed using their high school GPA or ACT scores
  • Contact our Testing Center for availability on testing services

Develop an Educational Plan

  • Our Veterans Advisors will assist you in reviewing general education, degree and certificate requirements and the transferability of courses. They will work with you to develop an educational plan and help you develop success strategies
  • It is important to designate a program of study. Classes will only be certified with VA if classes are recognized in a program towards an approved degree or certificate program

Register for classes

  • First-time freshman students may have to attend an orientation day and will register for classes then. Transfer students can register for classes once all admissions requirements are complete
  • You may be able to schedule your orientation online through your MyMotlow student account
  • Complete the Deferment Request each semester after registering for classes
  • Certain Veteran students will be required to verify enrollment with VA each month to avoid payments being delayed or cancelled


How to apply for Financial Aid and VA Education Benefits

Navigating the benefits programs for student Veterans can be daunting. Motlow State Community College cooperates with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in providing educational opportunities for Veterans and eligible family members. These services will facilitate access to your entitled benefits and address financial needs. A Veterans Academic Success Coach and Financial Aid Certifying Official will provide individualized financial aid and benefits counseling to ensure the student understands their benefits

Military Tuition Assistance

  • All military personnel who plan to use Tuition Assistance (TA) are reminded to contact their Educational Service Officer (ESO) or the Military Counselor within their command to receive approval for funding prior to enrolling in any classes at Motlow State. Failure to receive approval prior to enrollment may result in the TA student having to pay for the entire amount of tuition and fees themselves
  • Policies

Scholarships for Military Spouses

  • MyCAA (My Career Advancement Account) Scholarship is designed for eligible military spouses and pays up to $4,000 towards licenses, certifications, and associate degrees
  • This fact sheet gives more information and the MyCAA website has lists and reviews of eligible programs
  • Military One Source has created a list of additional scholarship opportunities designed specifically for military spouses

Veterans Education Benefits

Chapter 30 – Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty

  • Provides up to 36 months of educational benefits to eligible Veterans. These monthly benefits are paid directly to the Veteran
    • If you have never used these benefits, complete VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits
    • If you have used these benefits and are transferring to Motlow State, complete VA Form 22-1995, Request for Change of Program or Place of Training

Chapter 31 – Veteran Readiness and Employment

  • Available to Veterans who have been determined eligible by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to have a service-connected disability. Payments for tuition and fees, books, and supplies are paid directly to Motlow State. A monthly stipend is also paid directly to the Veteran
  • Students may also qualify for a new computer and other peripherals – determination is made by the assigned VA Counselor

Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 GI Bill®

  • For approved programs, the Post 9/11 GI Bill® provides up to 36 months of education benefits. This benefit is for individuals who served a minimum of 90 days on active duty after September 10, 2001 and are eligible for educational assistance under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. Applicable tuition and fees are paid directly to Motlow State
  • A monthly housing allowance may be available for students who are enrolled in seven (7) or more credit hours. This allowance can vary between taking completely online classes and taking on campus classes. More information on monthly housing allowances
  • Dependents of eligible Servicemembers could be eligible for transferred entitlement of Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits. The determination of transferability is made by the Department of Defense (DoD) and requires prior approval
  • Additional information on transferring benefits to your spouse or dependents can be found on

Chapter 35 – Survivor’s and Dependent’s Educational Assistance Program

Chapter 35 provides 45 months of full-time or equivalent education benefits for the spouse or child(ren) of a Veteran who dies or is permanently and totally disabled resulting from a service-connected disability, or a spouse or child(ren) of a Veteran who has been listed as POW or MIA for a period of 90 days

Chapter 1606 – Montgomery GI Bill® – Selected Reserve

Members of the Selected Reserve can apply for this benefit that provides a monthly basic allowance for housing and 36 months of entitlement. Selected Reserve branches include the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Coast Guard Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve

Grants for Veterans and Dependents


A limited number of participants can receive up to $1,000 per full-time semester, or $500 per part-time semester up to eight (8) semesters. For more information on the application, eligibility, and award details, visit the Helping Heroes Grant Website, or contact the Motlow State VA Coordinator.


Motlow State recommends and encourages all student Veterans to apply for financial aid. Your recent separation/deployment may have earned you the right to receive federal grants to assist you financially. These are separate from your VA education benefits and can be beneficial while pursuing your career goals through higher education.


Motlow State offers services that can assist with putting your goals into focus and help you develop a plan to accomplish them

Counseling and Mental Health Resources

Motlow State Campus Resources

Employment Opportunities



Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill® Information Line

  • 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551)

This number is toll-free and works nationwide. Calling this number will connect you to the regional office nearest the state you call from. It is for VA educational claims only.

You may ask about general benefits, launch inquiries on missing paperwork, get information about home loans, or get additional information about VA medical benefits by calling 800-827-1000.

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