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Tennessee Promise

Tuition-Free COLLEGE

If you are a Tennessee high school graduate, or plan to be one, you might be eligible for five college semesters of free tuition. Sound too good to be true? It is a fact with the Tennessee Promise scholarship.

What Tennessee Promise Covers

This is a last-dollar scholarship. The scholarship will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell Grant, the HOPE Scholarship, or the Tennessee Student Assistance Award. The scholarship may provide you with the opportunity to attend Motlow tuition-free.

Application Deadline: November 1

The TN Promise application deadline for current high school seniors is November 1.

Community Service Deadlines

Deadlines for active Motlow students using TN Promise to complete their 8 hours of community service.

Semester Deadlines
Spring December 1
Summer April 1
Fall July 1


Schedule an Appointment Now


Tennessee Promise Information


The Tennessee Promise is both a scholarship and mentoring program. It provides you a last-dollar scholarship, meaning the scholarship will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell grant, the HOPE scholarship, or TSAA.

A critical component of Tennessee Promise is the individual guidance you receive from your mentor. Tennessee Promise students are required to complete eight (8) hours of community service per term enrolled and maintain a 2.0 GPA. You should enroll in and complete at least 12 credit hours each fall and spring semester to remain eligible for the Tennessee Promise Scholarship.


The Tennessee Promise Scholarship is available to all students who meet all Motlow and tnAchieves deadlines.

  • Must enroll at an eligible Tennessee Promise institution the fall semester immediately following high school graduation
  • Must be a Tennessee resident for at least 12 months
  • Graduate from an eligible Tennessee high school
  • Complete a Tennessee home school program
  • Obtain a GED or HiSET diploma before age 19
  • Be a dependent of Tennessee military parents stationed outside of Tennessee 
  • If TN Promise is lost, students will need a Successful Appeal to have it reinstated

Current Tennessee high school seniors must meet the following requirements and deadlines:

  • November 1: Deadline to Complete the TN Promise Application
  • April 15: Deadline to Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  • March: Suggested date to complete and submit Motlow State admissions application and submit the following additional Motlow State admissions requirements during senior year of high school:
  • April - August: Check your Motlow email and MyMotlow account regularly for important information about how to sign up for New Student Orientation, admissions requirements, financial aid requirements, etc
  • December/February: Attend mandatory meeting coordinated by tnAchieves. To find your meeting date, time, and location, visit or ask your guidance counselor.”
  • June 1: VERY IMPORTANT - Log into your MyMotlow account student account and have all Motlow financial aid requirements completed by this date. Students who do not complete their Motlow financial aid requirements will not receive ANY financial aid, including TN Promise. Not completing your financial aid student requirements in a timely manner will result in a delay in receiving financial aid, including TN Promise
  • May - August: Sign up for New Student Orientation and register for classes. Tennessee Promise students must enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours each Fall and Spring semester
  • July 1: Deadline to complete and submit 8 Hours of Community Service online

Current Motlow Tennessee Promise students maintain eligibility by meeting the following requirements and deadlines:

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA by the end of each summer term
  • Complete 8 hours of community service: by July 1 for Fall, by December 1 for Spring, and by April 1 for Summer, and submit proof
  • Complete the FAFSA by April 15 every year and continue to complete the Motlow State financial aid requirements by June 1
  • Enroll in and complete at least 12 credit hours each Fall and Spring semester

How To Videos

How To Check Your Community Service Hours

Finding Your Mandatory Meeting Time and Date

How to Create a TSAC Student Portal Account

TN FAFSA Student Demo

How To Find Local Community Service Opportunities

How To Submit Your Community Service Hours

How to Complete the TN Promise Application

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