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Student Refunds

Refunds of all fees and charges must be in accordance with the following provisions except where previously stated. (Refund policy. We follow the refund policy of the Tennessee Board of Regents.)

Semester Refund Dates


How to Get Your Refund

Motlow releases financial aid Refunds in one of two ways:

  1. Direct Deposit Refund
    Setup direct deposit and have the funds deposited electronically to your checking or savings account. Note: Electronic refunds are usually processed first.
  2. Check in the mail
    Please verify that the college has your correct mailing address, because having outdated mailing information may increase the time it takes to receive your check.

Motlow does not release refund checks at the Business Office. If you do not set up direct deposit, your check will be mailed to your address on file.

How to Set up a Direct Deposit for Refund

When to Set up Direct Deposit

We encourage you to set up direct deposit refund before the beginning of a semester. This way you can avoid processing delays. Plan ahead—the account verification process takes 3 to 5 days.

  • Motlow State will never take money from your account unless you authorize a payment to the college.*
  • In order to protect your financial information, Motlow State does not have access to set up or view your electronic refund profile.
  • Set up your direct deposit immediately to assure your funds will be deposited electronically.
  • You can receive tuition and fee credits if you change your class schedule or withdraw. This only happens at certain times during the semester.
    • Before the first official day of class, you’ll get 100% refund of tuition and fees.
    • After the first official day of class (i.e., you drop a class) you’ll be responsible for a part of the tuition and fees.

*Also please note, that if a credit card payment(s) was made for your tuition and fees, the credit card may be refunded up to the amount of the payment.  Any additional refund due would be issued as stated above.

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