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Motlow Strong

Motlow is a Tennessee STRONG Act eligible institution. STRONG is a pilot program providing eligible members of the Tennessee National Guard with tuition funding toward a first-time bachelor’s degree via a tuition reimbursement program. The STRONG Act provides educational opportunities for those who protect and serve our nation.

Motlow’s knowledgeable veteran’s benefit staff members are ready to assist military families. Let us help you with the certification process for your Veterans Education Benefits. Reach out to us at

tuition reimbursement Eligibility Requirements

  • Apply to Motlow
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0
    • An individual who loses eligibility for failing to maintain a 2.0 grade point average may regain eligibility upon maintaining a 2.0 grade point average in a subsequent semester
  • Complete the FAFSA
  • Be in good standing with the Tennessee National Guard and currently serving
  • Apply for the reimbursement within 90 days of course completion

As a last-dollar reimbursement, the amount of state tuition reimbursement is offset by any other funds received. The tuition reimbursement will be made to Motlow on behalf of an eligible member for no more than 60 credit hours or 4 semesters toward a first-time associate degree.

Strong Act Information

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