The Associate of Science in Teaching degree prepares students for transfer to university
teacher education programs. Students who qualify for the A.S.T. (TTP) must satisfy
the following:
- Cumulative 2.75 grade point average
- Successful completion of the PRAXIS I (or a composite score of 22 (21 for Tennessee
Tech) or greater on the enhanced ACT)
- Satisfactory rating on an index of suitability for the teaching profession and achievement
of a "C" or better in each of the Mathematics (MATH) and a "B" in EDU 1010 and EDU
- Education in America and the role and responsibility of a teacher
- An exploration of the physical, mental, social, and moral development of individuals
from birth to age 8.
- Introduction to the development of exceptional children
- Strategies for working with diverse families and groups
Practical Experience
- Exposure to the mental and physical development of people and special emphasis on
the development of children who are exceptional
- Classroom observations
The Early Childhood Education concentration prepares students for completion of a
four-year degree program in partnership with TSU. In addition to core collegiate coursework,
students will also be introduced to:
- Successfully integrating instructional technology in the classroom
- Development of children up to age 8
- Strategies for working with diverse families and groups
Practical Experience
Certain skills and instructional concepts will be reinforced through participation
in the following activities:
- Curriculum planning
- Classroom observations
- Materials preparation
- Interact with community resources
24 Hour Certificate
The Early Childhood Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for a career
in childcare and early education. This certificate is not covered by Financial Aid,
however TECTA may provide tuition and textbook assistance for eligible students.
12 Hour Certificate
The Early Childhood Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students for a career
in childcare and early education, with credentials leading to the Child Development
Association. This certificate is not covered by financial aid, however, TECTA provides tuition and textbook assistance for eligible students.