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Languages Department

Become a Language Learner

Students pursuing education in languages, reading, writing or literature should consider a Languages degree. Faculty in the Languages Department prepare you for success in our diverse society through an introduction to composition and literature. You will collect, organize, and effectively communicate your thoughts and express your opinions through a variety of media.

With classes in English composition and literature, as well as Spanish and French, you have the flexibility of taking classes that fit your busy schedule. A Languages degree develops critical thinking, research techniques, essay writing, literature appreciation, social media skills and more.

Faculty & Staff

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Degree Types

Both associate of arts degrees prepare students for transfer to a university and are Tennessee Transfer Pathways.

Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) enable you to complete your degree at Motlow and then transfer to any Tennessee public university, and several Tennessee private universities, as a junior to complete your bachelor’s degree.

Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Codes

  • University Parallel, A.A.: 16.24.0101.01
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