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Faculty Test Proctoring

Motlow students can utilize the testing center locations at Moore County, Smyrna, McMinnville, Sparta, and Fayetteville for proctored exams for Motlow classes. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor of the testing appointment.

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • Students must schedule appointments online through the online scheduling system on the Testing Center’s webpage. Students are advised to send a copy of the confirmation or notify the instructor with the appointment information
  • Faculty should include detailed instructions about test administration when completing the Faculty Proctor Request Form
  • The Testing Center must have all testing information before the test date, preferably ten business days before the appointment. If testing instructions for the test administration are received after the testing appointment, the student may be advised to reschedule the exam and consult with the instructor for further guidance

The Testing Center is considered one of several locations for students with approved accommodations to take tests. In many instances, alternate testing arrangements are made by the instructor and Disability Student Services Advisor after a discussion with the student. If a student request space to test in the Testing Center, the Testing Team will collaborate with Disability Student Services, the instructor, and the student to arrange an appointment. Appointments are scheduled based on space availability.

Students requesting to reserve space in the testing center for tests should schedule appointments as soon as they are aware of the test. Students must request space in the testing center, preferably ten days before the test date. Available Seats fill quickly.

Early planning is essential. Available appointments on each campus vary. Exam appointments are scheduled based on availability during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.

After the appointment is scheduled, the student receives a confirmation email from the Testing Center. Students should contact their instructor immediately after the Testing Center has confirmed the appointment. If the student doesn’t inform the instructor about the appointment with the Testing Center, the necessary information for the test may not be available in the Testing Center on the test date.


  • The instructor must complete the Faculty Exam Proctor Request Form
    • Provide specific instructions for test and format of the exam and approved aids (calculator, dictionary, notes, etc.)
    • Provide information about how the proctor can contact the instructor with a student question during the exam
    • Provide information regarding the preferred return method for completed exams
    • Note that some exam preferences may not be possible in the Testing Center such as oral or listening portions of exams, timing of slide shows, etc
    • Changes to the preferences and instructions for proctoring exams after the forms have been submitted should be communicated to the Testing Center before the student arrives for the test
    • Exams must be received by the Testing Center 48 business hours before the appointment
  • Exams and supporting materials can be
    • Emailed to the
    • Dropped off at the Testing Center
    • Exams sent via campus mail
  • If any changes or corrections are required for the exam after the beginning of the regularly scheduled exam, please notify the Testing Center
  • Faculty are always welcome to visit the Testing Center to check in with students or deliver additional information during exams but should be aware that other exams may be in progress during that time

Pleases contact the Testing Team with questions at or by calling 931-393-1763.

EMT and NREMT Proctoring Services

Motlow State Community College is an authorized Pearson Vue Testing Center for EMT and NREMT exams. Students schedule exam appointments and pay exam fees through the Pearson Vue website. Exams are administered at the Moore County Testing Center in the Crouch building.

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • A testing schedule is updated annually per Pearson Vue standards and based upon Motlow semester schedules.
  • Requests for additional testing date(s) should be submitted to the Moore County Testing Center at least 4 weeks prior to desired test date(s).
  • To request specific dates for exam administration, please contact the Moore County Testing Center at or (931) 393-1763.
  • Availability of test date options may be limited during times of the year due to periods of high volume in testing services.

Emergency Proctor Request

The Testing Team understand that unplanned events may occur when test are scheduled. It is our wish to assist everyone requesting a proctor.  However, funding limitation and downsizing restrict services we can provide. The Testing Center cannot provide emergency proctors to cover exams at the Smyrna, Fayetteville, and McMinnville Campuses.  

The Moore/Tullahoma campus can help on a limited basis if proctors are available.

Faculty should contact the Testing Center when other options are exhausted.


Proctoring services for ITV exams are available upon request through the Testing Center. ITV proctoring services can be available at our four campus locations. To secure a test proctor, please review the information on this page.

Timely submission of the request form is necessary to allow testing staff time to review the information and schedule a proctor for the exam. Proctors are provided based on availability.

General Guidelines

  • Please include detailed instructions about test administration and/or delivery that must be specified on the request form
  • Provide communication to students about course requirements/expectations and testing information (dates, rules, format, allowed material, etc.)
  • Faculty must provide all testing materials (tests, instructions, materials allowed, answer sheets, scantron sheets, blue books, etc.) for each campus
  • The Testing Center must have all testing materials 48-hours before the test date. You may email tests to for distribution to all campuses. A proctor may not be available if a request is made one day before the test
  • A proctor will administer an exam in the room/location provided on the request form; however, the teaching location where the instructor is physically teaching should be proctored by the instructor
  • When a student misses the ITV exam and is allowed to make up the exam, the student must use the online test registration system to schedule an individual appointment for a makeup exam

Due to limited staffing at most campus locations, test proctors cannot return graded tests and homework to ITV or ACE classes. However, students can pick up a graded test from the Testing Center with a valid photo ID at the Moore/Lynchburg Campus location during regular business hours. Faculty must submit a detailed request to or contact testing staff at (931) 393-1763 to make arrangements for this option at only the Moore County campus location

It is recommended that faculty make alternate arrangements to distribute graded exams at the Smyrna, Fayetteville, and McMinnville campus locations. 


  • Complete and submit the form below to request a proctor for an exam in your class
  • This request form must be submitted to the Testing Center at least 48 hours before the test date
  • All test materials must be submitted to the Testing Center at least 24 hours before the test date. The instructor must provide Scantron sheets if needed for a test session

Note: Instructors should be specific with test instructions (example: this is a closed book test, this is an open book test, no notes, the test has a time limit of 30 minutes, students may use one sheet of handwritten notes, etc.). Please be sure to include a contact number or email if there are questions. You must submit this form to the Test Center at the beginning of the semester or 48-hours in advance of the test. You will receive an email confirmation after the form is received.

Campus where you need a proctor (please check all that apply)*
(Do not include the campus where you are located and will proctor the exam. A proctor will not be provided at the teaching location where the instructor physically teaches the class.)
Testing Instructions (Please check all that apply)*
Specific Allowances
Test Administration
Return Completed Exam
Return Completed Exam*
Only enter information here if Campus mail was chosen
Only enter information here if Scan and Email was chosen
Only enter information here if Scan and Email was chosen
Please choose location for pick-up
Only enter information here if Pickup at Testing Center was chosen

Make Up Test Proctor Request Form

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • Students must use the online test registration system to schedule an individual appointment for a makeup exam on Testing Center's website. Students are advised to send a copy of the appointment confirmation to the instructor.
  • Faculty should include detailed instructions about test administration and/or delivery when completing Makeup Test Proctor Test Request Form.
  • Faculty are required to provide all testing materials (materials allowed, answer sheet, scantron sheet, blue book, etc.) for each test.
  • The Testing Center must have all testing materials on or before the makeup test date. If testing materials and instructions for administration of test is not received by the time of the testing appointment, the student may be advised to reschedule the exam and consult with the instructor for further guidance.
  • Complete and submit the form below.
  • Exams must be submitted to the Testing Center 36 to 48 hours before the test date.
  • Direct students to schedule an appointment online at the Testing Center's website to take test. We are unable to accommodate walk-in appointments.
Online Class
Testing Instructions
Specific Allowances
Test Administration
Return Completed Exam
Only enter information here if Campus mail was chosen
Only enter information here if Scan and Email was chosen
Only enter information here if Scan and Email was chosen
Please choose location for pick-up
Only enter information here if Pickup at Testing Center was chosen

Faculty Test Proctor Request Form

Motlow students can utilize the testing center locations at Moore County, Smyrna, McMinnville and Fayetteville for proctored exams for Motlow online classes. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor of the testing appointment.

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • Students must use the online test registration system (Registerblast) to schedule an individual appointment for a online exam on the Testing Center's website. Students are advised to send a copy of the appointment confirmation to the instructor.
  • Faculty should include detailed instructions about test administration when completing Faculty Proctor Test Request Form.
  • The Testing Center must have all testing information on or before the test date. If testing instructions for administration of test is not received by the time of the testing appointment, the student may be advised to reschedule the exam and consult with the instructor for further guidance.
Online Class
Testing Instructions
Please provide the password for students
Specific Allowances
Test Administration
Return Completed Exam
Please choose location for pick-up (please call or email the Testing Center for operational hours at each campus).

Nursing Competency Exam Proctoring

Motlow State Community College offers proctoring services for nursing faculty that desire nursing students to complete competency exams in testing center locations. Testing appointments can be available at the Moore County, Smyrna and McMinnville campus locations.

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • Students must use the online test registration system to schedule an individual appointment for a makeup exam on the Testing Center's website. Students are advised to send a copy of the appointment confirmation to the instructor.
  • Faculty should include detailed instructions about test administration when completing the Nursing Test Proctor Request Form.
  • The Testing Center must have all testing information at least 4 weeks prior to desired testing period to allow time to order and receive exams. Submission of testing information at the beginning of the semester is preferred.

Nursing Test Proctor Request Form

  • A completed proctoring request form needs to be provided with the test.
  • You must specify time allowed for the test.
  • Your request for competency tests should be given to the testing center at the beginning of the semester for scheduling purpose. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when request is processed.

Please share the following information with students:

  • Photo ID is always required to take any tests (license, school ID, passport); we make no exceptions.
  • We administer tests according to your Proctor Request Form only.
  • Students are required to schedule an appointment for tests on the Testing Center's website.
  • We will not administer tests to students if they do not have enough time to complete their tests prior to closing. Centers hours are posted on our website.
Location for test administration
Specific Instructions or Restrictions for Test
Test Administration
Amount of Time allotted for test*

General Guidelines for Faculty

  • Students must use the online test registration system to schedule an individual appointment for a makeup exam on the Testing Center's website. Students are advised to send a copy of the appointment confirmation to the instructor.
  • Faculty should include detailed instructions about test administration when completing Online Proctor Test Request Form.
  • The Testing Center must have all testing information on or before the test date. If testing instructions for administration of test is not received by the time of the testing appointment, the student may be advised to reschedule the exam and consult with the instructor for further guidance.

Faculty Instructions

Please share the following information with students:

  • Complete and submit the form.
  • Exams must be submitted to the Testing Center 36 to 48 hours before the test date.
  • Direct students to schedule an appointment online at the Testing Center's website to take test. We are unable to accommodate walk-in appointments

Testing Center Rules and Policies

  • It is recommended that you arrive at least 15-minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for check-in. The system will not allow you to sign in if you don't have an appointment.
  • You must present a valid photo ID for the test.
  • You should know course name and number (ENGL1010) as well as your instructor's name.
  • Only exam candidates are allowed in the Testing Center.
  • Staff cannot watch unattended children.
  • Personal belongings such as hats, coats, food, drinks, cellular phones, electronic devices, hand held computers, purses or backpacks are not allowed in the Testing Center.
  • The Testing Center is not responsible for your personal items.
  • You may not take notes or scratch paper out of the Testing Center after the test.
  • Approved calculators are permitted for specific tests and may be inspected prior to use.
  • The Testing Center proctors all exams according to the information given to us by the instructor.
  • All tests must be completed in one sitting unless otherwise indicated by the instructor.
  • Acts of dishonesty or misconduct may cause dismissal from the Testing Center. Please refer to the college's conduct and disciplinary sanctions in the catalog.
  • Contact the Testing Center for information about how to cancel or reschedule an appointment.

For more information, please call 931-393-1763 or email

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