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Apply to the MLT Program

  1. Log-in to MyMotlow
  2. Click Student
  3. Click Scholarship and Program Applications
  4. Click MLT Application and complete the application. A confirmation email is sent to you after you apply. Please save this confirmation.
  5. Submit all MLT application documentation

The application deadline is May 10.

Submit Application Documentation

Application Questionnaire

Complete this form and save as a PDF file using the following format: Motlow user name_Questionnaire. Email PDF to the program at

Essential Functions Acknowledgment Statement

Read and sign this form. Scan the signed form and email it as a PDF file to using the following format: Motlow user name_Essential Functions. 

Student Agreement

Read and sign this form. Scan the signed form and email it as a PDF file to using the following format: Motlow user name_Agreement.

Reference Forms

Ask three individuals (excluding family members) to provide you with references for the MLT Program. Give each of them a copy of this form to complete and return directly to MLT Program at

Application Checklist

  • Be admitted to college as a degree-seeking with all college/high school transcripts received by the Admissions Office by the May 10 deadline. If you have a college degree, you do not have to submit a high school transcript.
  • Complete all required Learning Support courses by the end of the fall semester before the year in which admission is sought.
  • Earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or above on a 4.00 scale for academic subjects.
  • Completion of (or current enrollment in) BIOL 2020 (Anatomy & Physiology II), BIOL 2030 (Microbiology) OR CHEM 1110 (General Chemistry I) or higher, and MLAB 1301 (Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology) and completion of these courses with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Complete all general education and elective courses by the end of the spring or summer semester in the year admission is sought. 
  • Submit the MLT Program application no later than May 10 for year admission is sought. The MLT Program application will be available in November of every fall semester. It will close in the spring semester at 11:59 PM CST on May 10.
  • Submit three reference forms to the MLT Program ( no later than May 10.
  • Complete and submit all required application documentation to the MLT Program ( by the May 10 deadline.

Required documentation:

  • Application Questionnaire
  • Essential Functions Acknowledgment Statement
  • Student Agreement
  • 3 Reference Forms
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