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Computer Information Technology: Cyber Defense Concentration A.A.S

A male cyber defense expert satanding in front of a high-tech digital background with a digital finger print

CYBER Defense

Motlow’s Cyber Defense concentration is a high-demand career.
Prepares you for CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+ certifications.
Graduates with an advanced degree can earn more than $100k per year.

High-paying cyber security positions in diverse public and private organizations are on the rise. Motlow State Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Computer Information Technology (CIT) with a Cyber Defense concentration.

As a student, you will learn to identify security risks and assess potential threats through hands-on experience and training using the latest security tools and techniques. This A.A.S. provides the comprehensive knowledge and training you will need to protect digital resources from unauthorized access or attack. Prepare for one of the world’s most high-demand careers. The A.A.S. in Computer Information Technology with a Cyber Defense concentration is designed for students desiring a two-year, non-transfer set of courses to prepare you to enter the workforce, sustain your career, or seek career-growth opportunities in the field of entry-level cybersecurity.

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Two female cyber defense experts working at computers

Career Opportunities After Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

  • Cyber Security Specialist ($48.75/hour) 
  • Security Engineer ($45/hour)
  • Cybersecurity Analyst ($30.78/hour)
  • Network Systems Administrator ($42.27/hour)
  • Information Systems Manager ($30/hour)
  • Intelligence Analyst ($24/hour)
  • Penetration Tester ($51.04/hour)

(Indeed, TN averages, 2024)

Reasons to Choose Motlow Cyber Defense 

  • This is a high-demand, high-pay career 
  • Cyber security professionals are needed in all industries 
  • Employers are struggling to find candidates with cyber defense skills 
  • Most cyber professionals enjoy a quality work environment with good benefits 
  • Motlow has two state of the art Cyber Labs with new equipment set up for hands-on training 
  • Prepares you for CompTIA A+, Network+ and Security+ professional certifications 
  • Digital Forensics prepares you for opportunities in law enforcement 
  • Unix/Linux tools focus on penetration testing and “white hat” hacking 

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Find Your Future

Have you chosen a major? Is there a program of study that inspires you? Do you have your heart set on a particular degree? Motlow is here to help you find your future and craft a great career.

Start by choosing the credentials you want. Motlow offers:

  • Short-term certifications,
  • One-year diplomas,
  • 2-year associates degrees,
  • Associates degrees with embedded micro-credentials, and
  • Pathways to numerous bachelor degrees with majors in hundreds of programs. We have many additional articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution
  • We have articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution.

Use our program finder to explore all of the possibilities. Visit our transfer & articulations page to learn more about our partnerships with other universities. Explore your interests and aptitudes with our free YouScience tool.

Meet with one of our Admissions Counselors. Enroll and get assigned your very own Student Success Advisor.

The time is right. Call us today. It’s never been easier to find a scholarship and apply for aid to help pay for college. Our mission is your success.

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