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Supply Chain Management

With an advanced degree,  you can earn up to  $145k per year.
Motlow students can choose to earn a certificate or a two-year degree.
Logistics Management is an important driver of the economic growth of middle Tennessee.

Logistics Management has become an important driver of the economic growth of Middle Tennessee. The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Business with a Supply Chain Management concentration at Motlow State Community College provides you with the skills needed for jobs in high demand supply chain and logistic careers. 

Motlow students can earn a certificate or a two-year degree. As the process of supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and dependent on skilled employees, leaders, teams, and emerging technology, these courses of study will assist you toward a rewarding career.

Supply Chain Management Certificate: The Supply Chain Management Certificate prepares you for a successful career in high-demand fields. Earn a certificate after completing 18 credit hours:

  • Keyboarding/Formatting I
  • Introduction to Business
  • Computer Applications
  • Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Transportation
  • Sourcing and Procurement

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Explore More Pathways


With an advanced degree a supply chain specialist can earn over $100K per year.

A man in a hard hat looking at a digital map and a man holding a tablet and managing multiple vehicles shipping products

Career Opportunities After Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

  • Key Account Manager ($27-53k/year)
  • Operations Manager ($50-101k/year)
  • Account Executive ($28-54k/year)
  • Purchasing Manager ($47-84k/year)
  • Inventory Control Manager ($45-83k/year)
  • Logistics Analyst ($29-54k/year)
  • Logistics Director ($96-145k/year)

A.A.S. in Business: Supply Chain Management

The A.A.S. in Business, Supply Chain Management Concentration, prepares you for employment in the workforce after completing the two-year A.A.S. The degree equips students with the skills needed for jobs in high-demand supply chain and logistic careers. First take the basic courses in business and accounting to achieve a solid foundation in business practices; then take the required supply chain management courses. 

Supply Chain Management Concentration Printable Information

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Find Your Future

Have you chosen a major? Is there a program of study that inspires you? Do you have your heart set on a particular degree? Motlow is here to help you find your future and craft a great career.

Start by choosing the credentials you want. Motlow offers:

  • Short-term certifications,
  • One-year diplomas,
  • 2-year associates degrees,
  • Associates degrees with embedded micro-credentials, and
  • Pathways to numerous bachelor degrees with majors in hundreds of programs. We have many additional articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution
  • We have articulation agreements with universities that allow you to easily transfer or even enroll simultaneously at Motlow and another institution.

Use our program finder to explore all of the possibilities. Visit our transfer & articulations page to learn more about our partnerships with other universities. Explore your interests and aptitudes with our free YouScience tool.

Meet with one of our Admissions Counselors. Enroll and get assigned your very own Student Success Advisor.

The time is right. Call us today. It’s never been easier to find a scholarship and apply for aid to help pay for college. Our mission is your success.

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