Business Office

The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Business with a concentration
in Business Office introduces you to the field of business data processing. It is
designed for students who do not intend to transfer to a four-year institution.
Students will gain proficiency in software applications in the field of business data processing as well as business-related programming languages.
The A.A.S. degree is NOT intended to transfer to a four-year college or university. Most Business courses and some accounting courses (in the Accounting concentration only) will count as lower-division electives at Tennessee universities and most other four-year colleges and universities if the student transfers to pursue a business-related degree. However, some four-year colleges and universities will accept these credits into their Integrated Studies, Professional Studies, Liberal Arts, or similar programs, and a few four-year colleges and universities (including Trevecca and Western Governors) will accept these credits into business-related programs. Please consult their catalogs or websites for specific requirements.
Students in business office A.A.S. acquire practical skills in organization, time management and bookkeeping. Courses generally cover data entry, public relations, filing systems, and report preparation.