Motlow Provides Critical Student Support Services as Pandemic-Induced Exhaustion Lingers
October 4, 2021
The majority of students entering college this Fall had a disrupted high school experience.
According to a survey administered by Indiana University's Center for Postsecondary
Research, COVID-induced distance learning challenged students academically, technologically,
and psychologically. The pandemic required some to take on new responsibilities at
home while managing unfamiliar expectations to finish high school.
The Student Success Department at Motlow State Community College helps mitigate stressors that college students often face. There are student success centers available on each of Motlow's campuses.
“We have increased our outreach efforts in order to better assist and inform students of the services that we provide in student success centers,” said Dr. Sidney McPhee, director of student success at Motlow.
In Motlow’s student success centers, students can meet with completion coaches. Every student at Motlow is assigned a completion coach when they enroll. The coach serves as the student's guide to progression, motivation, planning, and ultimately graduation. Students and coaches work together to develop proactive strategies to address academic concerns and life challenges. Students can find out who their assigned completion coach is by checking their "MyMotlow" account, looking under GPS, then Advisor.
Surveys highlight student struggles
More than half (53%) of the respondents to the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) survey reported substantial ("very much" or "quite a bit") increases in levels of depression, hopelessness, and loneliness due to COVID.
"As a 50-year-old college freshman, I could have easily given up on my dreams when Motlow's instruction went virtual during the coronavirus pandemic. My instructors and PTK advisors provided me with academic and emotional support while encouraging me to stay the course as we shifted from on-ground to online learning without missing a beat," said recent Motlow graduate Deitra Dunlap.
Motlow offers a variety student support services
- Private counseling and support groups
- Completion coaches help students stay on track
- Tutoring (in-person and online)
- Math Lab – get help and tutoring
- Writing Center – ideas for papers, grammar, even proof reading
- Career Planning – email – long-term plans support long-term success
- Disability Services – ask about special accommodations
- Scholarships – find out about awards for need and merit
- Clubs/Organizations – connect with others for shared success
According to the 2021 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), a survey of eligible Motlow students administered by the College, approximately 75 percent of respondents felt Motlow provided the support needed to help students succeed. Additionally, most of the College's students who responded were working at least 15 hours per week to pay for college. Several students spend on average 6-10 hours or more per week caring for dependents (parents, children, spouse, etc.).
One of the areas noted in the BCSSE as a cause for increased depression was lack of financial stability. The CCSSE reiterated that the lack of finances was the highest-rated issue that would cause students to withdraw from a class or college altogether.
Motlow is a lower-cost alternative to traditional four-year institutions. The College offers a variety of methods to help ease financial stress, including scholarships, classes utilizing open education resources (no textbook purchase required), a student pantry to address food insecurities, short-term training and fast-track industry certifications for those who can't commit to two-year programs, device loan programs, and our most recent partnership to provide free, 5G phones with unlimited wi-fi hotspots.
Scholarships at Motlow are funded by the federal government, state government, Motlow College Foundation, and other external sources. The College makes it easy to apply. There is one general application to complete for almost all of the scholarships Motlow offers.
Reach out for help
Motlow encourages students to reach out and ask for help. Encourage others to reach out if you think they need help.
"There were a few days when I felt as if I had no outlet and no one to speak with who could understand what I was going through. All my other peers seemed to have it all together, and it seemed as though I was the only one who was falling apart," explained Motlow student Shayna-Raye Funderburk.
Little did she know, she wasn't the only one.
"I began communicating with my classmates more and discovered a lot of us were facing the same difficulties of trying to balance school and work. Luckily, the faculty at Motlow State has been more than helpful when it comes to making sure each student has felt not only welcomed but cared for," she added. "I have also found getting involved in clubs, such as the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, has boosted my confidence and outgoingness exceedingly. More than that, I have met some truly amazing individuals through our school's chapter who have changed my life for the better."
The College offers free, confidential counseling services to enrolled students. Services are available in person and as virtual telehealth appointments. To schedule an appointment, call 931-393-1923 or email
Tennessee’s Community Colleges is a system of 13 colleges offering a high-quality, affordable, convenient, and personal education to prepare students to achieve their educational and career goals in two years or less. The system offers associate degree and certificate programs, workforce development programs, and transfer pathways to four-year degrees. For more information, please visit us online at or visit Motlow at