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Motlow Theatre Presents Oedipus Retelling

March 6, 2025

Motlow State’s Theatre department will present “Oedipus” in April on the Moore County Campus. This version of the play was adapted from Sophocles’s original story by playwright Ellen McLaughlin and offers a unique twist that promises to make the play a fun experience for members of the community.

Pictured: Play leads Alex Phillips and April Glosson Cooper

Pictured: Play leads Alex Phillips and April Glosson Cooper

The play reimagines the story of Greek King Oedipus and transforms him into a politician in the 1960s who must fight to save his people from a monstrous plague. Trouble arises as the sins of his past come knocking and force him to face the darkness within himself.

Cast and Crew:
Oedipus – Alex Phillips
Jocasta – April Glosson Cooper
Creon – Juan Beltran-Diaz
Tiresias – Jonathan Parker
Messenger – Shelby Simmons
Driver – Alexis Hill
Chorus leader – Brinley Hone
Chorus members – Sonya Wiser and Kyle McCoy
Student crew members – Rebecca Moran and Aaron Gentry

Motlow’s production of “Oedipus” is directed by faculty Brenden Taylor. Showings are April 10, 11, and 12 at 7 pm. A reception with refreshments will precede the final showing on April 12 at 6 pm and will be open to the public.

Ticket prices are as follows: 
Motlow employees/students: free with Motlow ID
General public: $10
Military and first responders: $5

All performances will take place in the Power Auditorium in Eoff Hall on the Moore County Campus. Learn more about Motlow State’s Theatre department at

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