Motlow State Establishes Bucks Closet
January 26, 2022
Making a good first impression and feeling confident are important components of professionalism
as students navigate the workforce to their dream careers. Motlow State Community
College recently established Bucks Closet, a donation-based and student-designed and
operated free career apparel store for Motlow students.
Bucks Closet is a non-profit program that allows students to obtain business casual and business professional attire from a wide selection of donated clothing items.
“First impressions are often the only chance to make a great impression. The first three to six seconds can make an impression that will make or break an opportunity of a lifetime. We intend to create equity among all students and faculty at Motlow for career attainment along with personal and professional development,” said Christine Summers, a Business instructor at Motlow and faculty advisor for the student-run program.
Use of this service is not limited to specific events or qualifications. Currently, attire is limited to two complete outfits per student per year. “Hopefully, these parameters will change as Bucks Closet grows,” said Summers.
The Bucks Closet operations team plans to be fully open in March with the following hours:
- Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The first location is at Motlow’s Smyrna campus. Pop-up shops on the other Motlow campuses will be held once a semester. At Smyrna, students can visit Bucks Closet in the AWJ building, room 113.
Student volunteers operating Bucks Closet can count their time as volunteer hours for their TN Promise scholarships or other service-learning obligation.
“MTSU’s Raiders Closet has generously offered to get us started with some of their clothing items,” said Summers.
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Tennessee’s Community Colleges is a system of 13 colleges offering a high-quality, affordable, convenient, and personal education to prepare students to achieve their educational and career goals in two years or less. The system offers associate degree and certificate programs, workforce development programs, and transfer pathways to four-year degrees. For more information, please visit us online at or visit Motlow at