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International Education Committee Policy : 6:10:00:33

Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


The International Education Committee (IEC) is a standing committee, whose purpose is to oversee all international education initiatives at Motlow State Community College (Motlow State).  The Director of International Education serves as Chair of the IEC and retains administrative authority and responsibility for the duties assigned to the IEC, including setting the meeting schedule.


  1. The appointments and terms of service of committee members are as follows:
    1. One faculty member from each of the college’s four campuses appointed, after consultation with the Director of International Education, by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (EVPAA);
    2. The Director of International Education; and
    3. One Academic Dean appointed, after consultation with the Director of International Education, by the EVPAA (ex-officio) for a one-year term.


  1. The following information pertains to issues which require a vote by the IEC Committee:
    1. The Academic Dean serves ex-officio as a non-voting member unless their vote is needed to break a tie.
    2. All other members of the IEC have voting privileges and may succeed themselves in appointment.
    3. Any action taken by the IEC must be approved by a majority of the members.
    4. Members not in physical attendance at a meeting may vote by video conference or telephone conference call at the time of the meeting, or by e-mail within a reasonable period of time as set by the Director of International Education.


  1. The duties and responsibilities of the IEC include, but are not limited to:
    1. Development and periodic review of policies and procedures regarding international education initiatives;
    2. Assistance and advisement to the EVPAA regarding international education initiatives;
    3. Coordination, facilitation, and approval of faculty development activities related to international education initiatives;
    4. Coordination and facilitation of international education initiatives including study abroad and co-curricular events; and
    5. Review and recommended disbursement of all expenditures related to international education initiatives, including the award of study abroad scholarships.
  2. The role of the IEC is consultative and advisory to the EVPAA.  All recommended actions or policies must be duly approved through the college approval process.



July 21, 2015; December 9, 2016; March 2, 2017; approved by the Leadership Council on September 8, 2017

Revised: March 17, 2023

Institutional Oversight Committee Approved: June 2, 2023

Faculty Council Approved: August 17, 2023

President’s Cabinet Approved: August 28, 2023

Effective Date: September 8, 2017; August 28, 2023

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