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Financial Aid Committee Policy : 6:10:00:20

  • Responsible Officer: Executive Director of Financial Aid
  • Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President for Student Success 


The Financial Aid Committee at Motlow State Community College (Motlow State) is organized for the purpose of hearing federal and state financial aid appeals (excluding Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship, TN Promise, and TN Reconnect) and approving policy relative to the administration of the various aid programs.


The duties of the committee are:

  1. Hear, as necessary, any student appeal regarding financial assistance.  Decisions of the committee are final.
  2. Review federal and state laws regarding financial aid programs and recommend institutional policy relative to the administration.
  3. Periodically review all aid programs for the purpose of recommending improvements.
  4. Develop and review yearly an institutional policy defining “satisfactory progress” relative to the financial aid program.


  1. The committee is composed of the following members:
    1. Director of Disability Access and Counseling Services (Ex-officio – voting);
    2. Executive Director of Financial Aid or designee (Ex-officio – non-voting);
    3. Two (2) Administrative Staff members (Appointed by President); and
    4. One (1) Faculty member (Appointed by President).
  2. Students are not allowed to serve on any Financial Aid appeals committees, in accordance with Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC)/Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) guidance.
  3. The Committee will elect a chairperson from the existing members of the committee annually at the first fall meeting.  The chairperson will be allowed to vote in any and all committee actions.  In the event of a tie, the Executive Director of Financial Aid will vote in order to break the tie.


  1. Members of the Committee shall serve two-year terms.
    1. Members may serve multiple, consecutive terms


  1. The committee will meet as needed throughout each academic term.
  2. The committee will review appeals on an ad hoc basis as they are submitted for review.
  3. The financial aid committee will meet in conjunction with the Institutional Review Panel (IRP) as needed.
  4. The financial aid committee will review and make recommendations regarding student enrichment plans for students on financial aid probation.


Any member of the committee hearing an appeal for a close relative or friend will recuse themselves from the review and decision of the appeal.



  • Approved by the President’s Cabinet on November 24, 2015; effective date: December 1, 2015

  • Revised: November 1, 2022; November 21, 2024

  • Institutional Oversight Committee Approved: December 16, 2022; January 17, 2025

  • President’s Cabinet Approved: January 9, 2023; February 4, 2025

  • Effective Date: January 9, 2023; February 4, 2025

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