Responsible Executives: Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; Executive Vice President for Student Success; Executive Vice President for Business and Finance
This policy is created to detail process and guidelines for appointment and administration of committees, including meetings and the creation and publication of minutes at Motlow State Community College (Motlow State).
All members of standing and ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President. Committee members from the faculty are appointed upon the recommendation of the academic deans and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Student members are appointed upon the nomination of the Student Government Association with the concurrence of the Executive Vice President for Student Success. When appropriate, the President may select members upon the recommendation of the respective councils.
The committees considered necessary for the welfare of Motlow State are standing committees, which can be formed and/or dissolved by the President’s initiative as needed or mandated. Ad hoc committees may also be formed by the President as they become necessary or desirable. Upon organization of committees for the academic year, a listing of the members for each committee will be supplied to each faculty and staff member.
All standing committees meet regularly, and meeting dates are announced. Any interested faculty or staff member is encouraged to attend any committee meeting. Faculty and staff members are encouraged to present pertinent items of business for any committee agenda. These should be in written form and presented to the committee chair or any committee member at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled meeting date. In addition, the faculty or staff member may wish to attend the meeting at which his or her item of business is to be discussed. When a proposed item of business is considered inappropriate for committee action, the faculty or staff member will receive a response from the designated committee chair.
IV. Minutes
The secretary of each committee is responsible for the recording of minutes at all official meetings of the standing committees and to distribute such minutes to faculty and staff where pertinent. All committees and councils will be listed on Motlow State’s website, The final approved minutes of all meetings will be forwarded to the Webmaster for posting.
February 7, 2007; approved by the Leadership Council on May 24, 2016
Revised: December 1, 2022
Institutional Oversight Committee Approved: July 31, 2023
President’s Cabinet Approved: August 7, 2023
Effective Date: May 24, 2016; August 7, 2023