Photo/Video Image Consent Form
Motlow State Community College intends to use photo/video images of students and other people on campuses and facilities operated by or affiliated with Motlow State to promote higher education and workforce development and various activities related to both. We would appreciate your participation.

I hereby give Motlow State Community College, pursuant to the Tennessee Personal Rights Protection Act of 1984,  permission to use my name, photo/video images, voice recordings, and other characteristics making up my likeness, for promotional purposes as they see fit, all.  I understand that I will not be compensated for allowing Motlow State to use my name and/or likeness.

Typing your name below signifies you are completing this form using an electronic signature. To continue with the electronic signature process, please enter your name and click the "Submit" button to save your information and submit your electronic signature.
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Email *
Project or Event *
Name *
Person in photo or video
Status *
We respect personal pronoun preferences. Please let us know if you have preferences
Phone Number *
Are you under 18? *
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